Mini Galapagos

March 25, 2012

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Isla Ballestas are a group of protected islands of the coast of Paracas Peru, that we knew we needed to see. They are called the mini Galapagos or the poor mans Galapagos, because for 10 bucks you can take a boat tour to see many of the same species! We were very excited to see our first Penguins. These are the Humboldt variety and are so super cute. They hobble along the rocks, looking very clumsy out of water. We also seen hundreds, if not thousands of sea birds. There were frigate birds, boobies, pelicans and many other varieties. The water was filled with the largest jelly fish I have ever seen. They were floating on the surface of the water, in the foaming scum that had developed from all the animal urine. I must say the smell was overwhelming when you reached the island.

The one side of the island is completely covered with sea lions and their pups. It was heart warming to watch all the pups playing in the surf. It looked like a typical school yard, lots of noise, rough housing and playing. I could have watched them for hours! The islands have been protected for many years so the animals are not afraid of the approaching boats. We got to stare into the eyes of some penguins and sea lions as they basked in the sun. 

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On the way there we also got treated to our first ancient geoglyph. This one depicted what looked like a candle stick or cactus. It was carved into the mountain side and stood over a 100 meters high. Pretty amazing! Dolphins also welcomed us by jumping beside our boat, which was a real treat. Overall money very well spent!